John Deere 5065 E Price in India, Specification, Review, Overview
John Deere 5065E 65HP has a powerful 3 Cylinders, 2400RPM, Coolant cooled with overflow reservoir, Turbocharged engine with the rotary fuel injection pump.
All new facilities are available in John Deere 5065 E 65hp tractors such as the rotary pump facilitates switching off the engine through the ignition key instead of a conventional lever pull mechanism.
Are you looking for the latest tractor 65 HP of John Deere? Then you are in the perfect place where you will get genuine information about the latest models of John Deere.
Here we are going to provide you with all kinds of information about John Deer 5065 E 65 HP. Find out its overview, price, technical specifications, key features, transmission, hydraulic systems, brakes, wheels and tires, dimensions and weight, electrical systems, optional accessories, etc. Let’s check it below.
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John Deere 5065 E 65 HP Tractor Price in India
The price of a John Deere 5065 E 65hp is around Rs.7,95,000/-. There is one variant in 5065 E.
John Deere 5065 E 65 HP Key Features
John Deere 5065 E 65 HP Engine Details
John Deere 5065 E 65 HP is fitted with powerful turbocharged 3 cylinders with rotary fuel injection pump produces.
With its viscous Fan, the hotter the radiator, the higher the fan speed, ensuring optimum utilization of the engine power and improved fuel efficiency
5065 John Deere Transmission Details
John Deere is fitted with 9 forward and 3 reverse gears with collar shift. A dual-clutch provides smoother transmission.
John Deere 5065 E 65 Model HP Brakes
John Deere 5065 posses self-adjusting, self-equalizing, hydraulically actuated oil immersed disc brakes which provide better riding control.
Power Take Off And Tyres
Its large size wheels and Tyre design are made for a better grip on the ground. John Deere 5065E 65 HP comes with great power with its turbocharged engine.
For every farming operation, it is a good tractor in its class, and also affordable with its price.
John Deere 5065 E 65 HP Key Features And Specifications
Manufacturer | John Deere |
Model | 5065 E |
Drive | 2WD (wheel drive) |
Type | – 65 HP, 2400 RPM, 3 Cylinders, Rotary FIP, Coolant cooled with overflow reservoir, Turbo charged |
Air-Filter | Dry-type, Dual element |
Clutch | Dual |
Gear Box | 9 Forward + 3 Reverse, Collarshift |
Type | Self-adjusting, Self equalizes, Hydraulically Actuated oil immersed disc brakes |
Steering Column | Tiltable up to 25 degree with a lock latch |
Axle Type | Heavy duty variable track |
PTO | |
PTO Type | Independent, 6 Splines |
Standard | 540 @ 2376 ERPM |
Economy | 540 @ 1705 ERPM |
TYRE | |
Front Tyre | 6.5 x 20 |
Rear Tyre | 18.4 x 30 |
Lifting Capacity | 1800kgf |
3 Point Linkage | Category || Automatic Depth & Draft Control |
Wheel Base | 2035 mm |
Overall Length | 3535 mm |
Overall Width | 1890 mm |
Ground Clearance | 510 mm |
Turning Radius with breakes | 3099mm |
Capacity | 68 Litres |
Battery | 100 Ah, 12 Volt, 40 Amp. Alternator, 12 Volt |
Starter Motor | 2.5 KW |
Other Accessories | Ballast Weight, Canopy, Wagon Hitch, Tow Hook, Drawbar. |
I hope you would like our article and it would be very helpful for you to buy the latest tractor. If you have any questions or suggestions, then please tell us or comment below. We will gratefully solve your query. Thank you.
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